Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Resolution: DIY

My New Year's resolutions are pretty unoriginal.

Every year, I vow to be more healthy, lose however many extra pounds I'm holding on to at that moment, be more in that moment, write more, be a better listener and refrain from giving unwanted advice.

Invariably, I fail on all counts.

So this year, I resolved to make a better kind of resolution.  I want some instant New Year's gratification.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to work on my traditional goals which are more like constant struggles... but in addition I want a resolution I can literally tick off the list and say-- DONE!

So here it is: DIY.

I used to be very into small do-it-yourself projects...
jewelry, doll clothes, ceramic bowls.   You name it, I made it.  But as I got older, and more important things than macrame took over my life, I sort of lost the will to craft.

Enter Kate, of Kate's Creative Space.  She makes these elaborate and beautiful toys out of discarded furniture and odds and ends, and she posts all the beautiful details online.  It's just breathtaking what she does, and it made me feel oh so inadequate that I have not made my girl so much as a rag doll since she was born.

Ok, maybe this is just my neurosis.  Honestly, most of us are not cut out to create like Kate, and that's why the universe invented toy stores and good old fashioned cardboard boxes for what I like to call "imaginative play."  But still, remembering my craftier days and seeing what a little focus can accomplish, I made the resolution to be more crafty this year.  I have been gathering a list of things I know are doable do-it-yourself projects for me-- things for the house, things for the Little One.

Resolution: DIY will be a reoccurring post on do-it-yourself projects for people who live in small spaces, and don't necessarily have room for things like a sewing room... or even a craft drawer for that matter!  Hopefully they'll be things you find useful, and that bring a little joy to your life!

Have an easy DIY project for small space dwellers?  Share it here!

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